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The 2024 cycling season is just around the corner and we’ll be kicking things off with our annual “Let’s Get Rolling Social.” Come join us on Sunday April 28th at the Stanhope Firefighters Hall from 1-3 p.m. The hall is located at 1123 North Shore Rd. Algonquin Highlands. Bring your travel mug and enjoy some coffee/tea and baked goods while you watch a slideshow and connect with fellow cyclists.
Last season our membership grew to 159 members and that’s a lot of names to learn. So bring your helmet and we will have vinyl alphabet stickers available so you can add your name to your helmet.
If you have already registered online, you will be able to pick up your membership card. We will have Cycling in Ontario magazines and copies of our HRER Guide to Safe Cycling. There will be opportunities to order club jerseys and purchase HRER ceramic mugs. There will also be some fabulous door prizes.
During the social, we will review some important safety guidelines and learn about the fun rides, trips and social events planned for this season. Hywel Lee and Dave Paddock from Algonquin Outfitters Haliburton will be on hand to answer any questions you may have regarding bicycle/accessory options and bike maintenance. Alex Groenke from Circles Turning Circles (pvepyrfgheavatpvepyrf.cgob@tznvy.pbz) runs a mobile bike fitting business and he will be happy to help get you comfortable on your saddle. And new this year, Steve and Carla Stewart from Just eBikes, will be joining us. It’s shaping up to be a great event.
Hope to see you there!
LeeAnn Cruz
President, HRER Cycling Club
A spring cycling trip to Niagara and Welland
Our first ride of the season is almost here!